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Using student work ethically

This is a diary note that I made on the 2nd December 2016 after I spoke to my year 3/4 class about the Australian Profesional Standards for teachers. I explained very simply to the class that there are certain things I need to do as a teacher and I need proof to show that I am doing them. I elaborated by explaining that I might sometimes use some of their work as evidence and I asked them all to raise their hand to if they are willing to let me use their work. Every student raised their hand.

This demonstrates achievement towards focus area 7.1.

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PE Curriculum – In Through and About Movement

This is a research essay that I completed in my topic Health and PE Curriculum at Flinders University in 2014. The essay demonstrates achievement towards focus area 6.2 as evidence that I have gained professional knowledge in the construction of the Physical Education Curriculum. Additionally the reference list provides evidence towards focus area 7.1.

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