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Writing Plus

Below is evidence towards focus area 6.4.

In 2019, I attended Writing Plus which was designed to improve Year 1-7 students’ writing. Writing Plus allowed participants to gain a deep understanding of the English language and how it works to make meaning. As a result of the course, I built a stronger knowledge of sentence, clause and word level grammar to meet the needs of teaching the Australian Curriculum: English. The course provided strategies to identify language features that students use and helped to inform me of what the next teaching steps would be. Additionally, it built on my ability to provide relevant feedback in order for students to improve their understanding and application of language.

As a result of undertaking this course I provided my year 3 students with a range of resources and started to build their understanding on simple, compound and complex sentences. I undertook a range of grammar lessons which were incorporated into the current unit of work to build on their knowledge of noun groups and the different types of verbs. As students gained an understanding of functional grammar they were able to initially locate the process, participant and circumstance in a clause and join clauses together with sub-coordinating conjunctions to build complex sentences. This was a goal for many of my year 3 students, as they were writing correct simple and compound sentences.



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Special Education and Inclusion: The Opportunities and the Challenges

To address my knowledge and skill in teaching students with special needs I started a post-graduate topic. For the first assignment we were required to research inclusive practices and the opportunities they present as well as the challenges in the classroom. This assignment and associated research is evidence towards focus area 6.4.

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An Overview of the History Curriculum

This is an overview of the history curriculum that I wrote as an assignment for Social Sciences Curriculum Studies at Flinders University in 2015. It provides evidence towards achieving focus area 6.4 as it demonstrates my understanding and interpretation of the history curriculum.

Continue reading An Overview of the History Curriculum

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Autism and its Impact in the Classroom

In the English Curriculum 2 topic that I undertook in 2015 I was presented with a case study on a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The requirement was to research the impacts of schooling on this student. This evidence demonstrates professional learning undertaken to learn about student needs in focus area 6.4

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What is “What’s the Buzz?”

I have written this overview of “What’s the Buzz?” which demonstrates professional learning I have undertaken to address the needs of students with a deficit in social skills and is evidence towards achieving focus area 6.4.

Continue reading What is “What’s the Buzz?”

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Primary School Teachers Primed to Teach Science

This article provides evidence towards focus area 6.4 demonstrating that I have gained professional knowledge on teaching the science curriculum and focus area 2.1. I wrote this article for an assignment in my Science and Design Technologies topic at Flinders University in 2014 in favour of primary school teachers having the pedagogical skills and knowledge to teach science by drawing on resources such as primary connections, colleagues and community members. Continue reading Primary School Teachers Primed to Teach Science